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Securing collective action in the field of asylum regulation is high on the European political agenda. In this article, we look at one country's partial pullback from the regional cooperation during the high influx of asylum seekers in 2015. We use Norway as a case to analyse the challenges to common European asylum regulations and the drivers of a region-wide tendency of what we call renationalisation. Against this background, we seek to contribute to the discussion on the dynamics of Europeanisation and the future of the Common European Asylum System. While the Europeanisation of migration policies has been well covered in the literature, tendencies of renationalisation have been less so. To contribute to the knowledge base, we create a typology of the drivers of renationalisation. These drivers include necessary political and institutional preconditions, resource limitations, triggers, expectations and aspects of time.  相似文献   
The arrival in Portugal of recent migrants from the Indian subcontinent is normally a secondary movement from within Europe tied to the search for a regular pathway into legal integration in the EU. However, as favourable migration policy is not paired with easy economic integration onward migration is common. We argue that such complex migration strategies cannot be amply explored through an origin–destination model; instead we suggest that a translocal perspective provides a framework to examine connections and experiences of emplacement in places of passage/reception like Lisbon. Through a qualitative study of the migration journeys and emplaced practices of Punjabi migrants in Lisbon, our findings highlight relationality between multiple scales, elucidating how agency and structure interact at micro and macro levels in shaping migration experiences and outcomes. We show how the materiality of local community structures ensures the navigation of daily life in the city and provides pathways toward legality contributing to wider mobility regimes. Moreover, we illustrate how onward migration represents an individual strategy to realise different aspects of integration in other EU destinations challenging nation-state-bound understandings of citizenship/settlement and integration.  相似文献   
三朗扎西 《民族学刊》2018,9(5):90-96, 127-128
西南民族大学在2013年-2016年为甘孜州招收培养定向就业学生,解决了甘孜州专业技术人才紧缺、民汉兼通双语人才匮乏、基层人才队伍不足等现实问题,形成了较成熟、可借鉴的订单定向招生就业模式,是建立民族高校“双符双适”人才培养模式的有益探索。  相似文献   
子志月 《民族学刊》2018,9(4):58-63, 116-117
本文在对国内外以社会性别视角进行的生态研究进行梳理的基础上,深入分析了历史上中缅边境北段怒江峡谷中以傈僳族为主体的少数民族妇女在地方民族社会发展进程中为当地生态平衡所做的重要贡献。同时,对在社会转型和边疆农业女性化的现实背景下傈僳族妇女在与生态环境互动的诸多细节进行了深入的调研分析,进而认为妇女与环境的关系必须要放在具体的经济和社会发展的语境中阐释,环境治理中应为少数民族妇女提供发挥能动性的平台,并强调社会性别分析对边疆生态环境治理的积极意义,以及少数民族妇女在边疆地区生态安全的建设过程中所发挥的独特而重要的作用。  相似文献   
从文化生态学的角度,对阴山地域民族文化资源进行数字化保护是促进阴山文化认同、实现阴山文化生态建设的重要技术手段。阴山地域各部门应该积极建设阴山地域民族文化资源数据库、展开多领域数字化合作和宣传,将数字化技术与文化产业有效对接,实现生产性保护等,有效促进阴山地域民族文化资源的保护和传承,实现阴山文化认同,全方位构建阴山文化生态圈,促进阴山地域经济和社会的全面发展。  相似文献   
钟洁  皮方於 《民族学刊》2020,11(5):1-6, 127-128
旅游业一直是西部少数民族村寨脱贫致富、乡村社会经济发展的重要依托产业,也必将长期伴随着民族村寨乡村振兴发展的整个进程。本文在阐释乡村振兴、乡村全面振兴概念基础上,针对当前西部地区民族村寨发展面临的乡村衰落困境,提出旅游业能够促进乡村实现全面振兴是其最显著的特点,探索分析中国特色的旅游业促进西部民族村寨乡村全面振兴的道路,并按照2017年中央农村工作会议提出的“走中国特色社会主义乡村振兴道路”、2018年中央一号文件关于实施乡村振兴战略分“三步走”目标任务等一系列中央精神指导,尝试性提供旅游业促进西部民族村寨乡村全面振兴的路径选择。  相似文献   
民族自治地方政府在新一轮机构改革中进行了历史性变革和系统性重塑,然而顶层设计与分层对接机制优化、机构设置细化与整合、运转协同和效能提升仍未完全到位。回溯机构改革史,中华人民共和国成立初期作为政府顶层设计和系统性构建阶段,是民族自治地方政府机构建设最富成效的历史时期之一。这一时期的民族自治地方政府机构建设强调权能配置和人员构成的民族性,逐步差异化设置机构、探索单一制下政府机构平衡设置等历史经验,可以为进一步深化政府机构改革提供有益借鉴。在新的历史起点上深化民族自治地方政府机构改革应以新时代中国特色社会主义思想为引领,合理汲取历史养分,进一步深化理论研究,完善法制体系,明晰特殊性职权和民族性职能,健全顶层设计与分层对接机制,创新改革模式,强化地方参与性,切实破解改革难题,推动政府自身建设持续走向深入。  相似文献   
徐姗姗  张文英 《民族学刊》2020,11(4):59-65, 131-132
“发展教育脱贫一批”是在民族地区实现共同富裕的重要方针。然而在“教育改变命运”的共识之外,布迪厄认为教育一代代地维持着对社会中下阶层的不公平的“文化再生产”理论,被一些学者应用于对我国少数民族教育的研究。如在“三区三州”等民族地区,代际间的贫困传递难以阻断,因家庭文化资本弱势而造成子女求学、求职受阻,看似可用“贫困文化的再生产”予以概括,但笔者不同意直接套用西方理论认定中国存在“教育不公平”的论述。因为我国社会实际与布氏提出“学校教育再生产社会阶层结构”观点之环境不同,有多项教育政策在切实保障着少数民族通过“教育改变命运”——当前在我国民族地区实现教育公平的主要障碍,并非 “文化再生产”的结构性阻力,而在于就业环节的阶段性困难。教育公平可分为起点、过程和结果三个环节,民族地区经多年教育扶贫,“起点”入学机会和“过程”教育质量已明显改善,而作为“结果”的就业环节亟待改善。以“就业优先”方针多渠道扩大少数民族就业,可激发内生动力、促进市场融入、巩固减贫成效和精准防控返贫,是助少数民族自主掌握教育“社会阶梯”和阻断贫困代际传递的有效路径。  相似文献   
A debate on masculinity and immigration rose across Europe in 2015 after an incident with sexual harassments taking place in Cologne, Germany. The incident refuelled a debate positioning unaccompanied young men as a possible threat. This article is based on a research project where we during this time ethnographically followed 20 young men, having arrived in Sweden as ‘unaccompanied’ minors. The aim is to examine how the young men themselves talk about, reflect on and negotiate masculinity and gender during this period. The article concludes that masculinity cannot be approached as something stable easily being inherited or transferred from one’s origins. One difference for ‘unaccompanied’ young men is how conflicts or tensions emerging in relation to issues of gender and masculinity tend to be interpreted differently, and publicly, putting the young men in a ‘gendered situation of questioning’.  相似文献   
This article considers how an increasingly visible set of mobilities has implications for how peace and conflict are imagined and responded to. We are particularly interested in how these mobilities take form in everyday actions and shape new forms of peace and challenge existing ones. The article considers fixed categories associated with orthodox peace such as the international, borders and the state that are predicated on territorialism, centralized governance, and static citizenship. The article can be read as a critique of liberal peacebuilding and a contribution to current debates on migration, space and the everyday. Through conceptual scoping we develop the notion of mobile peace to characterize the fluid ways in which is being constructed through the mobilitiy of people and ideas.  相似文献   
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